A "Celebration of Peace" at Connecticut Valley Hospital, Connecticut – USA

On Tuesday, September 19th, Jim Dugan of WPPS was the Keynote Speaker at two gatherings at Connecticut Valley Hospital (CVH). Other speakers in addition to Jim were Imam Mohammad Hidara, The Reverend Rafael Torres and Rabbi Dr. Marshal Press along with top Hospital Administrators.
CVH is a State run hospital treating individuals with mental illness. Jim’s first address was given in the maximum security Whiting Forensic Division and the second address was delivered in the Yerbury Chapel, both on the Hospital grounds and delivered to the patients that reside at the Hospital. After the two heartfelt gatherings, Jim took part in the Re-dedication of the Hospital’s six sided Peace Pole. This was Jim Dugan’s forth time to be invited to be the Keynote Speaker at CVH’s yearly IDP events for their patients. As a gift from WPPS to CVH, Jim brought a butterfly bush that was in full bloom and it will be planted at the front entrance to Whiting.