Peace Pole at Wayside Presbyterian Church, Hamburg, NY-USA

May 2, 2009

This year the theme for the Sunday School at Wayside has been “Peace.” It began in the fall with members of the Peace Weavers leading the children in ways to connect with mother earth and its creatures.  They participated in a talking stick circle sharing thoughts and feelings and respectfully listening to others.  Throughout the year the classes were encouraged to think about ways they could each make a difference toward achieving peace, like coins in UNICEF banks to help others.  The goal at the end of the year was to purchase a Peace Pole for our meditation garden so others would come to know the importance of its message” May Peace Prevail On Earth” displayed in four languages and Braille. The four languages were; English, Spanish, Aramaic, and Seneca. They watched worshippers’ change fill class banks and had bake sales so their idea could become a reality.  On May 3rd we gathered outside, at the close of worship, around our Peace Pole to hear the history of this tradition, where other famous Peace Poles were located, and to hand out small versions of the Peace Pole, made by the students, for families to take and display in their gardens.  The ceremony included a special dedication

of the Peace Pole honoring our soon to retire Pastor Dave, who has taught all of us so much about working toward world peace.  We concluded with the release of seven doves with their symbolic flight carrying our wish for peace into the world.

May Peace Prevail On Earth!

Peace and love,
Mary Lou Zerby
Christian Education Director