WPPS Peace Representative News: Peace Pole in Kenema, Sierra Leone
April 26, 2009
Peace Pole dedicated was held on Sunday, April 26th, 2009 at the 57th Annual Anniversary celebration of the Government Secondary School Kenema and the Kenema Old Students Association (KOSA).

The Peace Pole was then unveiled by the following people as seen in the photograph: Mr. I.S.Kamara President of KOSA, Mrs. Kamara First Lady KOSA, Mr.Sulay Daramy Director General Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (member of KOSA), Mr. Mohamed S. Kabba KOSA Chairman Northern Region,Mr. Abdulai Koroma President Sierra Leone Teachers Union (Member KOSA),the Deputy Mayor of Kenema City Mrs. Margret Shiaka and one of the youngest pupils of the school who is seen in the photo reading the messages on the Peace Pole.
Late last year there were frequent violence incidences at inter-school activities, as a result of that my organization, the Youth Alliance for Peace and Development (YAPAD) approached the UNDP country office to support the Peace Ambassadors project designed to address the issue of violence in schools. The aim of this project is to employ participatory methods in increasing youth knowledge of the concepts of peace, democracy, the rule of law, political competition, tolerance and good governance and to empower each organization’s members to take leadership and engage their peers and their communities in a dialogue on the issue through group meetings, learning circles, role play and participatory theatre.
The UNDP approved and funded the Peace Ambassadors Project. Peace Ambassadors Clubs were then created in 26 Secondary schools and were funded to promote peace in their schools and at inter-school functions.
The Government Secondary School Kenema used their funds to erect a Peace Pole that was dedicated by Bockarie Enssah, Peace Representative and National Coordinator for YAPAD and Assistant Social Secretary KOSA.
May Peace Prevail in Sierra Leone!
May Peace Prevail On Earth!
Bockarie Enssah, WPPS Peace Representative