Vancouver Sunrise Rotary members contribute to Peace Pole Project-Vancouver, Washington-USA
Our Rotary has developed and maintained the rose garden at Orchards Park to honor Clark County citizens who have done great things for the county for 30 years.

Vancouver Sunrise Rotary Member Bob Ives holds the Peace Pole that he and fellow club members installed at Orchards Park Saturday. The Peace Pole displays the prayer “May Peace Prevail on Earth’’ in four languages. Photo by Mike Schultz
We wanted to put the Peace Pole there mainly to get the club recognized as a peace club. We wanted to put up the Peace Pole and do a few other things as a club to promote peace in the area.
Rotarians have long been involved in the promotion of peace.
Rotarians were even involved with setting up the United Nations after World War II. It’s something Rotarians have felt very strong about.
John Schaffers was joined at Saturday’s installation and dedication of the Peace Pole by fellow Vancouver Sunrise Rotarians David Weedman, Bob Ives and Erich Orth.
Submitted by John Schaffers
Listed below is a link that will give you a video, several pictures and a story about the peace pole.