May Peace Prevail On Earth Through Art, Cincinnati, OH
Lily Zipes is studying Design Architecture Art and Planning at the School of Arts, University of Cincinnati. It is here she shows her interpretation of Peace through art.

Lily was researching art projects when she came across May Peace Prevail on Earth International. Lily admits her first intention wasn’t a Peace Pole, but once she begun the art took on an incredible story of past and current culture.
She describes wanting to do the four languages of English, Spanish, Hebrew, and Japanese.
Lily explains her choices: “English, because I live in America, Spanish because I feel as if we are ruining their peace and I want to unite them with North America (English) through this symbol of Peace. I chose Hebrew because that is where my nationality stems from and I am proud of my religion. And Japanese to owe respect to the founder of the Peace Poles.

Our Grassroots organizations was founded by Masahisa Goi in 1955 in Japan. Mr Goi came to understand that words, thoughts and intentions carry energy strong enough to influence the destiny of all living things. By speaking, acting and living in the spirit of, May Peace Prevail on Earth. Masahisa Goi believed that the energy field of love and harmony would radiate forth to all of creation having a positive and purifying effect on the consciousness of humanity.

By uniting the hearts of humanity under one common message for peace, he saw that a great transformation would take place in global consciousness, bringing about peace and harmony in our personal lives as well as in the world at large.
This was just the beginning of a genuine peace movement to spread the message, May Peace Prevail on Earth.
This movement not only lives on through our international organization, it began with one man and still to this day one person can make a difference, and be the change they wish to see in the world. We see this with Lily and her lovely interpretation of Peace she so thoughtfully created and graciously shared with us.
Thank you to Lily for her amazing portrayal of Peace.
Photo credit Lily Zipes
Painting and Drawing Practicing Artist
University of Cincinnati Class of 2021