Peace Pals Art Exhibition – Bern, Switzerland
On March 8, 2019, Peace Pals International was featured at the Vernisage art exposition in Bern, Switzerland. Dagmar Bergman of May Peace Prevail On Earth International (Germany) organized to bring the artwork of our finalist and winners. The art exposition feature artists from the 2018 Peace Pals International art contest, with the theme “Living Peace,” and will remain through The International Day of Peace on 21st of September. We were so proud to learn that two of our young artists were honored by their countries Ambassadors to Switzerland.

We were so proud to learn that two of our young artists were honored by their countries Ambassadors to Switzerland.
Thasneem Abu Thahir, age 15 from The United Arab Emirates and who was our 2nd place winner in 2018, was honored by Vice Ambassador Ahmed bin Nassere Al Nuaimi (UAE). The Ambassador spoke at length about Thasneem and what an honor she brought to the United Arab Emirates.

The event was broadcast on TV. Please click the link to view.

In addition, Mr. Fernando Espinosa, Chief Chancery of the Embassy of Mexico had the opportunity to see our 1st place winning artwork of Sofia Guadalupe Gonzalez Garcia. He was so pleased and proud to see his countries winning artwork.

We are always so grateful to our youth for participating in our annual art contests. We could not make this happen without the young people, their families, schools and all those who support them.
In addition to the art exhibition, Dagmar led a World Peace Flag Ceremony in which the people in attendance said “May Peace be in *country* – May Peace Prevail On Earth.” Many people said MPPOE in the language of their home country. There was music and great speeches were given. It was said to have been a beautiful and most successful event.

We thank Dagmar of May Peace Prevail On Earth International (Germany) for bringing Peace Pals International to Switzerland and always honoring our children.
For more information on Peace Pals International and how you can get children involved, please visit our website.