Earth Day Celebration with Peace Pole at McEnroe Farm, Northeast, NY

Earth Day was celebrated this year on April 28th at McEnroe’s Organic Farm and MPPOE, Int. was in attendance.

A Peace Pole was planted for the special occasion. Vendors and all celebrating our Mother Earth, didn’t let a little rain dampen their spirits.
May Peace Prevail On Earth International represented by creating the custom Peace Pole for the event. There was also a booth to educate people about The World Peace Sanctuary in Wassaic, NY. Information was available about the non-profit organization of May Peace Prevail On Earth, Int, Our Mission as well as programs held annually for youth.
Cristina Reyes Practitioner of Sound Meditation graciously accepted the invitation to join us for this Earth Day Celebration. She uses many tools and instruments. Such as bowls and tuning forks, each with a different pitch, to help promote a relaxed state of meditation.
Cristina will be joining the World Peace Sanctuary, in Wassaic, NY for an evening on 5/15/19 from 7:00-8:30pm for a Sound Mediation Class. Be sure to mark your calendar.
In all it was a wonderful day of celebration, filled with live music, laughter and food. Thank you to McEnroe Organic Farm for the opportunity to be part of your special day. Thank you to Cristina for bringing her Sound Meditation to relax us.
May Peace Prevail On Earth
News and Photographs courtesy
The World Peace Sanctuary,
May Peace Prevail On Earth, Int.