Hiroo and Masami Saionji receives the Outstanding Peace Activists Award at the Luxembourg Peace Prize Award Ceremony June 14th, 2019
Each year, since 2012, the Schengen Peace Foundation and the World Peace Forum award the Luxembourg Peace Prize to outstanding individuals and organizations in the field of peace. This year, the 8th annual Award Ceremony took place on 14 June at the historic European Parliament Schuman Building to celebrate the Luxembourg Peace Prize Laureates along with peace builders and activists from around the world.

Hiroo and Masami Saionji was awarded the Outstanding Peace Activists Award for their dedication to peace building over many decades. Award recipients in 9 other award categories represented a diverse mix of Activists, Educators, Leaders, and Artists from every continent.
The World Peace Mandala Flag Ceremony opened the program with the message May Peace Prevail On Earth spoken in over 60 languages of the world as the flag cards of 193 countries formed a colorful mandala representing the diverse cultures and traditions of one global family.

June 14th marks the anniversary of the 1985 signing of the Schengen Agreement between France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and West Germany abolishing border controls. Today the Schengen area includes 26 member states which enjoys a common visa policy affecting a population of over 400 million people paving the vision for one harmonious world.
Congratulations to Hiroo and Masami Saionji

May Peace Prevail On Earth.