Sacred Lands, Sacred Lives. Veterans For Peace Embraces May Peace Prevail On Earth International
The Veterans For Peace (VFP) 34th Annual Convention – Sacred Lands, Sacred Lives, Peace Knows No Borders. A Piece on Peace written by Peace Representative Renee Marie.
This convention was held in the occupied land of Spokane, WA. Indigenous elders were present and offer all attendees a sacred reminder of The Peaceful Way to live.

I have a passion for service above self. I crave social, economic and environmental equity, accountability and justice for. These conditions thrive where there is peace (the absence of ALL violence). I have been a Volunteer World Peace Representative since 2001. I also served in the U. S. Army from 1983-1991 and again from 2001-2017. My desire and courage to free oppressed people was seduced by the advertising slogan, ‘Be All You Can Be, because we need you in the Army’.
Once in the military, the culture of comradeship takes hold. For 20-years I reminded myself that I was ‘needed’, that I could make a bigger difference in so many hearts working from inside ‘the lion’s den’, and that being in the Medical Service Corps somehow made my military participation ‘honorable’. I referred to myself as a ‘military dove’ or ‘peace warrior’. I always wanted to “win the peace”.
I came to the convention to share my unique mission, Peace Poles For Schools, which I began in 2001. I have shared this person mission as a Presenter at the VFP convention. My workshop, titled, ‘A Tangible Peace On Every School Campus’, was well attended and appreciated. Participants joined me in completing an Art Peace Pole which will be gifted to all at the convention closing ceremony.
Also gifted were handmade origami Peace Dolls (bookmarks), MPPOE stickers and buttons. In addition, 30 mini Peace Poles graced each of the closing banquet tables and were later gifted to: VFP Directors, Board Members and Administrative Staff as a token of gratitude for their enduring work for a more peaceful world.

The World Peace Sanctuary of May Peace Prevail On Earth International will forever radiate healing and inspiring energy in collaboration with Veterans For Peace.
Submitted by Volunteer World Peace Representative, Reneé Marie, Sacramento, CA, USA. August 2019
May Peace Prevail To all who have and Continue to serve Our Nation
May Peace Prevail In Our Schools
May Peace Prevail on Earth