Visionary Summit Flag Ceremony on Peace Day Sacramento, California September 21, 2019
The Visionary Summit hosted by the Shift Network was held September 19th through the 22nd at the Double Tree Hilton in Sacramento, California. The 4 day event brought together activists and visionaries who offered unprecedented ideas and solutions on how to move ourselves as well as our communities forward in anchoring the conscious evolution ever so needed in the world today. Themes of the Summit included ecology, climate and social justice, conscious money, racial healing and other timely topics. Presenters included, Governor Gavin Newson of California, Marianne Williamson, Michael Beckwith and Patch Adams to name a few.
On September 21st, the International Day of Peace, the World Peace Flag Ceremony was presented in honor of this day. The presentation started with a group planting of a Peace Pole which was brought onto stage which set the tone for the Flag Ceremony which followed.

Everyone in the conference room stood up eagerly to carry the flags of each nation to represent the heart and soul of our global family. In one united voice the call for peace to prevail in each country and region of the world rang out to every corner of earth.

As a grand finale, the flag of the United States flanked by an Earth Flag and the International Indigenous Nations Flag appeared on stage and the entire room repeated the universal message May Peace Prevail On Earth loud and clear enough to reach the hearts of every world citizen and all living things.
May Peace Prevail On Earth