Shamanic Plant Medicine Journey at the World Peace Sanctuary Wassaic, NY
On October 26th, 2019, A Shamanic Plant Medicine Journey was held at the World Peace Sanctuary. It was a wonderful day of healing, connecting with the Spirit of Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana) and our ancestors at the World Peace Sanctuary in Wassaic, NY.

Shamanic Plant Medicine Journey, was a Saturday weekend class.

The Eastern Red Cedar has many special adaptations. One such adaptation is that it secretes an oil, like the Black Spruce, that insulates it from the extreme colds.

The wood, berries and leaves are used for medicine. People take Eastern red cedar for cough, bronchitis, joint pain (rheumatism)
Singing our remedies into Being and connecting with the Earth in a conscious way is the premise behind this healing.
Thank you to Karine Gordineer, Founder and Practitioner at Green Girl Herbs & Healing
May Peace Prevail On Earth