Spreading Peace and Making History. The First Female to Earn The Rank of Eagle Scout. Discovery Bay, California, USA.
Aiming to be among one of the first girls in the United States to earn the rank of Eagle Scout, Riley Lee of Discovery Bay, CA planted three Peace Poles at St. Anne’s Catholic Church on July 8, 2020.
It’s been more than nine months since Boy Scouts of America launched Scouts BSA, its leadership development program for boys and girls ages 11-17. By allowing young ladies the exact same opportunities Boy Scouts has offered their male counterparts for over 100 years, girls who have seen their brothers and friends benefit from the programs are now going all in on the program.

Working with the church’s pastor, Father Ron Schmit, Riley planned, organized and raised the funds to complete the project. The three Peace Poles represent the Holy Trinity and are planted in locations significant to Parish Community: One near the small Chapel, The second at the entrance to the Community Life Center, and the third near the Garden Gazebo.
Each Peace Pole reads “May Peace Prevail on Earth” in English with the remaining languages carefully chosen to represent the diversity of St. Anne’s parish. Riley intended to promote inclusivity and acceptance when creating these.
To learn more about Riley’s Eagle Scout Project and St. Anne’s Peace Poles, please visit her website at: www.stanneeaglescout.com.
Thank you to Riley Lee for helping to spread the message of Peace as well as pave the way for many girls to follow in her footsteps.
May Peace Prevail On Earth