Connection to Nature Retreat at The World Peace Sanctuary Wassaic, NY
Saturday, September 11, 2021
Connection to Nature Retreat was created because we believe that it is vital to our overall well-being to connect with nature and mother earth.

It was a day filled with outdoor activities as we embraced nature in all it’s beauty on the beautiful natural landscape of The World Peace Sanctuary grounds.
It was also the memorial of September 11th—20 years later. In honor of all the people involved, we participated in a special tribute by having a heartfelt ceremony with the prayers that were offered 20 years ago.

We also, celebrated the International Day of Peace by having a World Peace Prayer Ceremony as it celebrated on September 21st, each year.
It was a chockful day filled with laughter & joy and prayers & gratitude.
It was a day filled with sunshine, cool air and lots of love.

Michael “Pondhawk” open the morning with a guided meditative workshop, through the Sacred Grove that led to the Wisdom Trail.
Ann Marie Robustelli led the World Peace Prayer Ceremony, in which she shared the roll of voice leader with Cristina Reyes and in unison they closed with the Flags of One Family, with founder, Linda DeHart.
Gigi Oppenheimer of White Lotus Grace-encouraged everyone to follow her into the Sacred Grove where she offered a workshop, “Dancing to Nature.”

We shared a meal and laughter, and stories and were just so grateful to be able to spend time with one another safely outdoors.
To close the day—we danced, sang and played instruments as we danced, rattled and drummed around the fire pit.
It was such a delightful day.
May Peace Prevail On Earth.
Ann Marie Robustelli
The World Peace Sanctuary