Peace Pole brings great hope during Covid times in Sudbury, Ontario, CANADA

November 23, 2021
Hello, I was out on my walk today on the trail near the Adanac Ski Hill in Sudbury, Ontario, and happened to notice a “Peace Pole.”
I have never seen one before or even knew that they existed.
It immediately brought me Great Hope, especially during these Covid times, ….the word “Peace” had me Stop, to be aware and Embrace the Love for each individual on our earth.
I first glanced at the one side, but continued to go around respecting each one of the languages. As others were passing me on this trail, I couldn’t help but share my Joy coming from this pole.
After thoroughly looking at this pole, I laid my hand on it and prayed.
I am extremely Grateful for this pole crossing my path today.
I can’t wait to google, to search more about this.
I’ve already shared with a family member and a friend.
THANK-YOU doesn’t seem enough.
I have attached a picture to share with you.
This Peace Pole was planted by the Rotary club of Sudbury, Canada.