Candlelight Vigil for Sacramento Fallen-California – USA
April 4, 2022
I was able to attend a vigil tonight for the six fallen, their family members, and the 12 additional wounded by the mass shooting here in Sacramento, Sunday morning as a nightclubs were closing.

I gave a “Peace Poles for Schools” flyer to the Sacramento Mayor, to local activists, and several national news reporters tonight. I also gave them my Proclamation Proposal stating that Sacramento will adopt a priority to plant a Peace Pole on every school campus in our Capitol City and statewide! Send out positive vibes…

I was able to set my traveling Peace Pole near the speakers’ area. I handed out all of my remaining May Peace Prevail On Earth (MPPOE) buttons
In Gratitude,
Major Reneé Marie, U.S. Army Retired, 2017
Founder, Peace Poles for Schools, 2001