Our Soul’s Journey – Weekend Workshop Retreat at The World Peace Sanctuary – Wassaic, NY – USA
October 15-16, 2022
During this 2-day gathering, we touched on the exploration of the burning questions about our Soul’s Evolution and Purpose at this time.
· Why are we here on this planet at this moment?
· What is the purpose to existence for each individual and of the collective?
· The divine energy that we can connect to that inspires empowerment and inner peace.
· Where did we come from?
· Where are we going?
Dynamic facilitators took us on a journey, in a very created way, to help stimulate one’s own wisdom- to remember what we already know.

Through the use of Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, chimes, and other instruments, Cristina Reyes-Schleifer creates a unique sound environment that leads you to a meditative state and reduces tension and stress.

Autumn is a season of surrender, of letting go and getting ready to go inward – a powerful place of peace, rest, regeneration, and creation. Mother Nature leads with her example, inviting us to move in harmony with her wisdom and source. This workshop gently guides an introspective experience of moving with this rhythm and connecting with its comfort.
We engaged in mindful and meaningful activities and discussions.
“Mindfulness” was the sub categorical theme in this weekend gathering. Each person engaged with nature, with self (going within) and with one another.

The Vedic Perspective on Our Soul’s Journey
Review on Vedic literatures and wonderful Q and A to further understand through another perspective on the Soul’s Journey for individual and the collective as well.

Informal introduction and preliminary discussion on the weekend’s theme- “Our Soul’s Journey”
At one of the meals, Kasia Tychanska explained
the importance of “mindful eating.”
This natural and loving approach inspires the inner heart to emerge–cultivating self-awareness, often masked in our daily living.
There was this gentle reminder, like a whisper, that was spoken throughout the weekend, “we are not our bodies” that helped the process.
It was an interesting, introspective and joyful experience. Everyone who attended agrees.
A total of ten people registered to participate at different intervals, throughout the two days.
Participants traveled from NYC, Massachusetts and Putnam County, to include members from the local community.
May Peace Prevail On Earth.