Peace Week 2023 – September 17th – 24th
September 24, 2023
May Peace Prevail On Earth International served as a co-convener of Peace Week in celebration of the International Day of Peace along with over 20 other partner organizations headed by Unity Earth, Sine Network and Purpose Earth among others. We sponsored the May Peace Prevail On Earth Convergence Room where various programs were presented on zoom by friends and partners.

To open Peace Week a Peace Pole was dedicated at Hub Cast Studios in Canada who hosted the global online production for the week. The Peace Pole was blessed by Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr followed by music and a dance performance by Sommer Ramer of the Sine Network.

Some highlights in the May Peace Prevail On Earth Room during Peace Week included a program to celebrate the International Day of Peace featuring a reply of a video from a World Peace Flag Ceremony which took place in the United Nations General Assembly Hall some years ago to ignite the Spirit of the UN.