Co-Creating sacred Peace – Pura Vida in Costa Rica
October 23 – 27, 2023
Every year the Co-Creators Convergence is hosted by LightPartners Dr. Noel Walker and Bob Warner ( The tenth anniversary Convergence was held in Costa Rica under the theme Co-Creating Sacred Peace. Local hosts in Costa Rica included Gail Nostrum founder of the Costa Rica Humanitarian Foundation in La Carpio and Rosemary Zitek who manages El Minifundio, a retreat center in the village of Orosi.

A total of three Peace Poles were dedicated during the Co Creators Convergence which took place late in October 2023. The first Peace Pole was dedicated with a World Peace Flag Ceremony at the University of Peace in Ciudad Colon outside of San Jose on October 23rd. We prayed for peace in all nations, lands and indigenous regions on the grounds of the University. The weather was bright and clear when we started the Flag Ceremony however, as we began to pray for the Middle East, the skies clouded up and rain gently joined our tears. At the conclusion of praying for the Middle East the skies miraculously cleared once again. The vortex accelerated literally and figuratively and some even found themselves in altered states.

A few days later, we dedicated a Peace Pole at the El Minifundio retreat center with prayers and music offerings followed by a celebratory dinner in silence along the tradition of the Essenes community centuries ago.

On the 27th of October another Peace Pole was dedicated at a Peace Center in San Jose which honors the legacy of Peace Pilgrim. Many who stay at the hostel will reflect on world peace upon seeing the Peace Pole at the entrance.

Another Peace Pole will be planted in the future at the Indigenous University in San Jose and we look forward to more news about that in 2024.
May Peace be in Costa Rica
May Peace Prevail On Earth