Yanchep Rise Primary School unveils new Peace Pole – Yanchep, WA – AUSTRALIA
October 30, 2023
Principal Helen Demiris let students Jessica Henry, Ruby Maskelyne, Bailey Gallen, Lily Turner, and Iona Roberts unwrap the peace pole following the school’s assembly.
The words May Peace Prevail On Earth are written in four languages – one on each side of the pole, which was installed on the school grounds early last week.
The four languages are English, Noongar, Māori and Auslan.

The peace pole was donated by Rotary Mindarie who heard about Yanchep Rise from Yanchep resident and Yanchep Two Rocks Community Recreation Association president Julie Otremba, who had heard about peace poles through her work at Bunnings Mindarie.
Brian Butterworth from Rotary Mindarie told students, teachers, and parents at the assembly that the peace pole at Yanchep Rise was the first in the area for Rotary Mindarie and the first for the North ward in the City of Wanneroo.
Mr. Butterworth said there were peace poles of all shapes and sizes but there was one consistency – they were all dedicated as a symbol and reminder that everyone must strive for peace regardless of their country, race, or religion.
Rotary Mindarie president Lois van Baalen, Pearce MHR Tracey Roberts, Kevin Brown from the RAAFA Merriwa hobby shop, Brian Butterworth from Rotary Mindarie, Yanchep Rise principal Helen Demiris and Julie Otremba of Yanchep at the unveiling.
He said young people made up about 20 per cent of the world’s population and in a message to adults said children would make up 100 per cent of the future.

“Through the placement of the peace pole at Yanchep Rise PS and the recognition of International Peace day on September 21 every year, it is our responsibility to give them a gift of enduring peace,’’ he said.
Also in attendance were Pearce MHR Tracey Roberts who he said had attended every peace pole unveiling in the City of Wanneroo and North ward councillor-elect Alex Figg.
The Peace Pole was prepared by men from the RAAFA Merriwa estate in their hobby shop.
More information about the origin of the peace pole is available at May Peace Prevail on Earth International