Great North American Eclipse Activation – Weesak Week, Port Royal – SC – USA

April 8, 2024

On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse, known as the “Great North American Eclipse” transited a narrow path of totality from southwest to northeast across thirteen U.S. states.  A 75% partial eclipse was visible in the State of South Carolina where a group of people gathered to celebrate the occasion with a Flag Ceremony.

The gathering took place at The Arts in the town of Port Royal where director Susan Stone founder of the Center welcomed the community and led us in an opening meditation to tune us into the significance of this sacred cosmic moment.

The Flag Ceremony was led by Fumi Johns Stewart accompanied by flute player Jody Abatemarco and sacred drumming by Sarah Lynch.  The prayers for peace to prevail in each country merged with the waves and rhythm of the flute and drums as we could feel the power of the eclipse embracing us throughout the Ceremony.

The Ceremony closed with a Sound Bath experience led by Cynthia Ray as we sent our collective prayers further out to the four directions and out to the Universe for peace to prevail on earth.

May Peace Prevail On Earth