Eight Peace Poles planted at ‘Peace Meadow’ in Bratislava-Slavin, SLOVAKIA


Sending you some nice pictures from Viera Uherčíková, my colleague located in the Capital city Bratislava, who writes:

We have eight Peace Poles here in what is referred to as  ‘Peace Meadow.’

Eight Peace Poles planted in Peace Meadow.

It is situated in Slavin- Slavín is a memorial monument and military cemetery in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. It is the burial ground of thousands of Soviet Army soldiers who fell during World War II.

Slavín is a memorial monument and
military cemetery in Bratislava,
the capital of Slovakia.

Pupils from the Peace School and their parents and grandparents held a “May Peace Prevail On Earth” ceremony celebration with singing and reciting peace topics.

Viera Uherčíková- woman on left.

with infinite peace,