Peace Poles at Horticultural Show in Kirchhem, GERMANY

May 23, 2024

Part of the German summer traditional festivities are what is referred to as   “State Garden Shows“ which runs for  six months.They offer a huge variety of cultural activities for the residents and the visitors. The State Garden Shows takes place outside of Munich in Kirchheimand, held annually from May 20th through October.  

After every October the properties are usually transformed into a public park, displaying a variety of flowers and plants. 

Its organizers contacted us three years ago when they started with the design of the park. On May 23rd,  three Peace Poles were planted, in three distinct places, close to a playground, recreation area and within wooded area.

The event was arranged with much enthusiasm by the local branch of the “Munich Helpers,  Circle for Refugees.” 

The weather featured thunder, sun, and rain all nearly at the same time, but participants came nevertheless and could experience a program with gospel music, children’s choirs and (15) people from different nationalities declaring,  “May Peace Prevail On Earth”  in their mother tongue. 

Two Catholic priests blessed the Peace Poles with holy water and invited the audience to do the same. 

There will be three more events held around the Peace Poles in June and July. The Peace Poles will be featured as a permanent addition, after the State Garden Shows officially come to a close in October.  

Report submitted by:  Dagmar Berkenberg, MPPOEI office in Europe