May Peace Prevail On Earth News Blog
Planting Peace Poles By Newunfoldment-April, 2008
April 24, 2008
As citizens of the world, We are called upon to share- The message of peace in our lands, Uniting all men and women to join their hands, Together declaring, "May Peace prevail on Earth."...
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Congratulations WPPS!-February, 2008
April 4, 2008
Some letters of thanks and praise from our dedicated members... "Congrats on the First Issue! What wonderful work you are doing. I am so very grateful for the insight and collaborative efforts that so many...
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May Peace Prevail On Earth: PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT-February, 2008
February 19, 2008
A NEW addition to our Home Page Voices of Children Around the World! MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON EARTH
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The Power of Thought
Thought forms create an energetic field strong enough
to empower the course of planetary destiny.
The Power of Words
Words carry vibrations strong enough to inspire, heal and transform the human heart as well as the Kingdom of plants, animals and all creation.
The Power of May Peace Prevail On Earth
May Peace Prevail On Earth is an all inclusive message.
It is a meeting place of the heart, bringing together people of all faiths, backgrounds and cultures to embrace the Oneness of our planetary family.
Our Mission is Simple
To spread the Universal Message of Peace, May Peace Prevail On Earth, far and wide to embrace the lands and people of this Earth.