youth may peace prevail on earth flags un

About Peace Pals

Peace Pals International is a program which promotes the universal message of peace, May Peace Prevail On Earth as a simple, universal expression to unite the hearts of all people in our common desire for peace on Earth.

By nurturing inner peace and global awareness in the leaders of tomorrow, Peace Pals will help create a future in which peace and harmony become a way of life.


Peace Pals Art Contest

Peace Pals International Arts Exhibition and Awards has been an annual highlight activity of the Peace Pals program since 1997. It is known as one of the most prominent global arts contest for young people.  With youth ages 5 through 16, participating from over 100 countries around the globe.



One of the highlights of May Peace Prevail On Earth International, is the Youth Art Peace Pole Project.  Bringing together educators from around the USA and inviting their youth in the classrooms to create one of a kind Peace Poles.  The young people put their creative visions to work and created beautiful works of art.  Please visit the Youth Art Peace Pole Project to learn more and if you are interested in a Peace Pole Art Kit for your students in the classroom or at home, please visit for more information.

Other Activities for Young People

• Planting Peace Poles at Schools
• Presenting a World Peace Flag Ceremony
• Participate in the annual Peace Pals Art Exhibition and Awards
• Host an Art Exhibition
• Participate in the annual Goi Peace Foundation Essay Contest

Photo and Video Gallery

Peace Pals Award Ceremony – 70th Anniversary of Hiroshima – August 6, 2015
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CNN PSA May Peace Prevail On Earth
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Peace Pals International – Geneva 2017
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Peace Pals India
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Peace Pals International 2016 Winners – Florianópolis, Brazil
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Sambour School – Cambodia – Peace Pals International
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At a Glance



The Power of Thought 
Thought forms create an energetic field strong enough
to empower the course of planetary destiny. 

The Power of Words 
Words carry vibrations strong enough to inspire, heal and transform  the human heart as well as the Kingdom of plants, animals and all creation. 

The Power of May Peace Prevail On Earth
May Peace Prevail On Earth is an all inclusive message.
It is a meeting place of the heart, bringing together people of all faiths, backgrounds and cultures to embrace the Oneness of our planetary family.

Our Mission is Simple 
To spread the Universal Message of Peace, May Peace Prevail On Earthfar and wide to embrace the lands and people of this Earth.

Contact Us