SOPP and Peace Pole Honors The Aboriginal Counsel at Wind Song, Little Swanport, Tasmania
A Symphony of Peace Prayers and Peace Pole planting marked a historical event for the Indigenous Aboriginal People of Tasmania at Wind Song BnB; where it is said ‘The wind, land and people sing.”
The Symphony of Peace Prayers (SOPP) is, as the name says, a ‘symphony’ of different faiths, traditions, and cultures coming together in harmony”. A perfect metaphor for the events leading up to this occasion.

Tom and Jane Teniswood own this land and state “The land reflects our passion, drive and commitment to both our business and life values”
They having loved and worked this land then decided to gift it back to ir’s original owners, the Indigenous Aboriginal Counsel, marking this milestone with a Celebration of Peace and unity along with MPPOE, Int. in attendance.

Photo Courtesy of Wind Song for ABC News Australia
We are gathering today at ‘Windsong’ in Tasmania to celebrate SOPP on the land Tom and Jane Teniswood recently gifted 110 hectares, back to the indigenous Aboriginal population of Tasmania. a hectare is a unit of area that is accepted in the International System of Units (SI) and equivalent to about 2.5 acres, Per Webster’s Dictionary
They had a formal handing over about a month ago, but today is The SOPP Celebration and the Planting of a very special Peace Pole to signify the solidarity they share with their native friends, rejoicing not only for SOPP but what is considered a momentous event for the Aboriginal People who are elated to have this gift.

May Peace Prevail On Earth, International’s Jenny Funston held the flag ceremony, on a cool but sunny day perfect for such a celebration with about 80 people in attendance.
A welcome to Country was given by Fiona, the daughter of Elder, Dawn Blazely, who performed the same honor at Tom and Janes’ last year.
Traditionally the native land is first to be prayed for during an SOPP Ceremony. This was powerful and truly heartfelt as the land has only recently been handed back.
A World Peace Flag Ceremony followed with great participation from young children to their elders.

A special Peace Pole with the indigenous language of the area upon it was planted. The translation of “May Peace Prevail on Earth” Etched in Palawa Kani was planted in honor of this historic event. This aiding in reviving a language that had been thought to have been extinct. There are over 200 different dialects of the Aboriginal language, depending on geographical locale.
After all was finished, all “friends” of the day adjourned back across the land to the house for afternoon tea.
May Peace Prevail in Tasmania
May Peace Prevail on Earth
News and Photographs courtesy of Jenny Funston of May Peace Prevail On Earth, Int.
A Thank you to ABC News Australia for reporting on the significance of this land transfer the People and State.