Peace Poles
The Peace Pole Project
We are the founders of the Peace Pole Project which is now a Global Movement
Spreading the universal message May Peace Prevail On Earth™
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What is a Peace Pole

A Peace Pole is an internationally-recognized symbol of the hopes and dreams of the entire human family, standing vigil in silent prayer for peace on earth. Each Peace Pole bears the message May Peace Prevail on Earth in different languages on each of its four or six sides. There are estimated over 250,000 Peace Poles in every country in the world dedicated as monuments to peace.

Romania, Iasi - Peace Pals Winner- Peace Pole

Plant a Peace Pole

Planting a Peace Pole is a way of bringing people together to inspire, awaken and uplift the human consciousness the world over. It is a wonderful project for any community, organization or your home.  Peace Poles are now recognized as the most prominent international symbol and monument to peace. They remind us to think, speak and act in the spirit of peace and harmony.  Stand as a silent visual for peace to prevail on earth.


Get Your Peace Pole

Our low maintenance and weather proof Classic White Peace Pole with Four or Eight Languages is crafted at The World Peace Sanctuary and is available in Three Sizes; 6 ft , 7 ft or 8 ft tall for Indoor or Outdoor use

Each Peace Pole includes a translation of May Peace Prevail On Earth in 4 or 8 languages of your choice printed on each side.

4 Language Peace Pole $300.00
8 Language Peace Pole $350.00


Desktop & Garden Peace Poles

Handcrafted at The World Peace Sanctuary.  Desktop, Mini and Garden Peace Poles.


Peace Pole Dedication Ceremony

A Peace Pole dedication ceremony is an exciting event, whether it is planned for a public place where hundreds of people will attend or a private backyard. Every dedication ceremony is a unique outcome of the shared experience of those who plan the program, as well as those who attend.

Some Peace Poles are already placed in the ground prior to the ceremony and unveiled during the dedication. Or you may choose to have a group planting, where everyone gets to heave a shovelful of dirt.

Various items may be planted along with your Peace Pole. A dedication plaque is particularly appropriate for Peace Poles in public places, so that everyone will know what your Pole stands for. Plan a re-dedication ceremony for the following year.

Remember that your Peace Pole dedication or re-dedication can include any elements you bring to it. Whatever you do, the important part is to hold your intentions for world peace in your heart and send it around the world. You will make it special, you will be a bringer of peace. You cannot go wrong if you plan your Peace Pole dedication with lots of love!

The videos below are a great way to visualize the various ways you can dedicate your Peace Pole.

We would love to hear about your Peace Pole dedication.  Please email us your story and photographs.

Photo and Video Gallery

Ceremony for Gourock, Scotland, winning The Fuji Declaration’s Peace Pole
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ERASE Club Peace Pole Dedication Ceremony
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Wellington High School Peace Pole Dedication
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May Peace Prevail on Earth. A Peace Pole Dedication Ceremony.
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Pupils unwrap the Peace Pole at Falcons Primary School in Leicester
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Rotary Club of Vancouver Sunrise Installs Peace Pole
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Serpent Mound Star Knowledge May Peace Prevail Here on Earth by Chris Davis
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At a Glance



The Power of Thought 
Thought forms create an energetic field strong enough
to empower the course of planetary destiny. 

The Power of Words 
Words carry vibrations strong enough to inspire, heal and transform  the human heart as well as the Kingdom of plants, animals and all creation. 

The Power of May Peace Prevail On Earth
May Peace Prevail On Earth is an all inclusive message.
It is a meeting place of the heart, bringing together people of all faiths, backgrounds and cultures to embrace the Oneness of our planetary family.

Our Mission is Simple 
To spread the Universal Message of Peace, May Peace Prevail On Earthfar and wide to embrace the lands and people of this Earth.

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