Peace Pole in Town Center, Aalst, Belgium

Belgium is known for many wonderful things. One of which is it’s Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity awarded by UNESCO for creative expression, diversity as well as a motivation to maintain living cultures. A new landmark of creative expression and social harmony has emerged in the form of a Peace Pole in the City Center of Aalst. Though the City is known for landmark symbols, and Belgium for symbols of Peace, the Peace Pole is unique to this area. Making this planting a very special one.

Aalst is well known for the city’s historic Belfry, the Carillon houses 52 bells and dates back to the 15th Century and protected as a National Heritage by UNESCO.

Photograph courtesy of Wonderful Wanderlings

Aalst is a City that is beautiful in historic architecture yet on the forefront of creating a culture of Peace. It houses the “International School of Peace” or (I.S.P.S). The School is “dedicated to the resolving of differences and conflict transformation through exclusively peaceful means, and rejects all forms of violence or intimidation as a means of creating change”. per

Moge Vrede Heersen op Aarde
Puisse la Paix Régner Dans Le Monde
Mogë Friede Auf Erden Sein

Thank you to Mr Van de Voorde for the photograph of Peace Pole.

May Peace Prevail in Belgium

May Peace Prevail On Earth