Peace Pole Presentation to the CEO of Akmag Hotels, Nigeria – Africa
October 10, 2022
Still in the spirit of the 2022 United Nations International Day of Peace Celebration in Nigeria by May Peace Prevail on Earth International, an Ambassador of Peace Engineer Mfon Akpan the CEO of AKMAG HOTELS in Nigeria received PEACE POLE.
The Nigeria Representative of May Peace Prevail on Earth International Mr. Mojima Etokudo invited the members of the 2022 Steering Committee for the UN Peace Day to for an evaluation meeting, accountability, and appreciation on the committee for their excellent services and sacrifices towards the successful 2022 World Peace Day in Nigeria by MPPOEI both pre-event, main event and post event.

Each of the steering committee members received a certificate, stickers, and a token of money for transportation fare. The steering committee chairman Mr. Aniebiet Abraham appreciated MPPOEI for making them part of the Peace work team and promised to serve as volunteer anytime he and his team are called upon.
The CEO of AKMAG HOTELS in Nigeria himself an Ambassador of Peace, donated the venue for the 2022 UN Peace Day in Nigeria free of charge, received a Peace Pole alongside the manager of the Hotel. For one to use AKMAG HOTELS auditorium for a day event is worth $1,000 but we were gifted it free of charge. A Desktop Peace Pole, Certificate and Stickers was presented to the AKMAG HOTELS so every customer coming in can read the universal prayer for peace “May Peace Prevail on Earth.”

As part of our efforts to further the cause of Peace in our homes and Community, we have plans to present more PEACE POLES to others in our list. We pray for strength and resources to help get more materials.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve humanity as Peace Representative.
Mojima Etokudo
Peace Representative in Nigeria