Peace Pals International Paintings with MPPOE from Syrian Refugee Camp – Kinderzeichnungenaus Syrien – 2023

Elisabeth Ziegler-Duregger represents URI (United Religions Initiative) in Lienz, Austria, through her friend she got in touch with Hassan, a Syrian teacher, who works in a refugee camp 30 km outside of Aleppo. Hassan gives his best to teach the children in the camp about peace. Through Elisabeth he learnt about the art contest of May Peace Prevail On Earth International with its 2023 theme “Unity.”

Sana and Soheb at Kinderzeichnungenaus, Syrien

He paired the children in the camp so that they had to paint in “Unity.” two children worked on one painting, and on the photos, you see Zolafa and Mohmed as well as Sana und Soheb with their respective paintings.

The Arabic message on one of the paintings also means May Peace Prevail On Earth.

Zolafa & Mohmed at Kinderzeichnungenaus, Syrien

We were told that the children enjoyed their participation so much and they used happy colours on purpose to express their unbroken hope for peace. Hassan is currently saving up for a printer, so that he can publish a newspaper for the camp. With that printer he will then also print out the participation certificates for Zolafa, Mohmed, Sana, Soheb and the other wonderful painters.

Dagmar, May Peace Prevail On Earth European Office
For more information about Peace Pals International and to learn how to participate in their annual art contests or to host ambassador of peace exhibitions, please visit: