Peace Pals Art Exhibition at Mary Raptou School in Larissa, Greece 2024
March 4 – 14, 2024
An art Exhibition ” May Peace Prevail in the world ” was hosted at Mary Raptou School in Larisa, Greece in our school hall for 2 weeks.
Students, teachers and parents were invited to see the artwork of children ambassadors from all over the world.
It was the end product of our project Earth and we focused on how young people see our world today, how we can help Earth and spread the message of PEACE to all our school community.
We chose our favourite artwork afterwards and we discussed the messages each picture represented.
The 5th graders of Raptou School about 90 children sang about mother Earth to our school community and it was shared through social media for people to watch. The song was called Mother Earth from Carleone
It was a song reminder to motivate all people to protect our Earth and not forget that only when our Earth is in peace we can survive as humans.
Thank you for the wonderful opportunity!!
A project led by Anastasia Beltsiou ( ESL teacher) and the English Department of Mary Raptou School.
For more information about Peace Pals International and to learn how to participate in their annual art contests or to host ambassador of peace exhibitions, please visit: