Rotary Club offers Schools to Apply for a Peace Pole – Warwickshire – ENGLAND
November 3, 2023
The pole stands six foot tall once planted, made from recycled materials, it conveys a message “May Peace Prevail on Earth”, this can be translated into seven other languages depending on the nationality of the school’s children.
To support schools with their peace education curriculum, The Rotary Club is offering the opportunity for all schools in Leamington and the surrounding area to obtain a Peace Pole.
The Peace Pole has been accepted by the United Nations as an international symbol of peace.

The Peace Pole stands six foot tall once planted, made from recycled materials, it conveys a message “May Peace Prevail On Earth”, this can be translated into seven other languages depending on the nationality of the school’s children.
At the moment there are four Peace Poles available.
Peace Poles have already been planted at Campion School, Sydenham, and Radford Semele primary schools.
Thanks to Warwick Rotary Club, six have been planted at schools in Warwick, and Kenilworth Rotary Club is supporting schools in Kenilworth.
Throughout the Midlands more than 70 Peace Poles have already been planted in schools and communities and more are being planned.

Local Rotarian Margaret Morley said: “Peace Poles stand as a memorial to peace. It is the aim of Rotary to provide all schools with a Peace Pole as it also serves many other purposes.
“Peace Poles can become the focal point of an outside area within the school to create an area of tranquility/reflection.
“Somewhere young people can just go and relax, reflect so important for their mental well-being.
“Many schools have created peace gardens around their Peace Pole which can promote so many environmental projects, encourage gardening skills, and inspire creativity.”
“All we ask of schools is to give us a report on how they would see a Peace Pole being of benefit to their school and how it would play a part in their peace education programme and enhance the mental well-being of young people. We do ask them if they are willing to contribute £35 towards postage and packing as this then helps us to provide more poles for schools.”
For more information, to apply for a Peace Pole or donate to the project, email Margaret on:
By Kirstie Smith